Welcome To Change The World Through Art

Create. Upload. Sponsor. Change The World.

Our Work

Partnered with trusted environmental groups

Removing plastic from our oceans.
Our goal is 100,000 pounds


We are international, reaching artists and countries all around the world, including the US, UK, China, Canada, Bulgaria, Pakistan and more

Mission Statement

Change The World Through Art was created from nothing more than a few sketches on a napkin. We believe that art, no matter how simple, can have a powerful impact. We've combined the passion of young artists, kids from anywhere in the world, with our commitment to environmental preservation. When art is uploaded to our site, all donations generated will be used to support extremely vital causes: cleaning the oceans and planting trees through trusted environmental groups. Art not only can unite people, but can also inspire others to make a change. Take action today.

Together, we can Change The World Through Art.